everytime it's always like this.
before nak exam, especially mase revision week, punya la sibuk. maen facebook, maen twitter, maen blog. aritu macam2 idea nak update blog ni. tapi simpan dlu. tunggu lepas abes exam baru update. tapi last2, pas abes exam, still malas gak nak update blog ni. huhu. tak pe la, since skang ni aku kat lebri, terperangkap sebab ujan kat luar tu, jadi aku take time la update blog ni. huhu...
baru perasan, last aku cite pasal study atau exam, adalah 22 Julai 2010, mase tu baru abes exam ntuk posting terakhir, before naik 4th year. nampaknye kali ini aku update blog pon mase posting terakhir, before naik 5th year. tapi ade 1 lagi posting before naek final year, elective posting. itu pun kalau lulus posting ortho ni. minggu depan baru tau result posting ortho ni.
aku nak cite pasal exam aku aritu.
1st day exam - 3rd May 2011
seryes aku ingat exam 2nd may. haha. xperasan plak 1st may tu hari pekerja, pastu ari ahad. so klo cuti jatuh hari ahad, secara otomatik hari isnin juge akan cuti. sbb tu exam aku ari start selasa, 3 mei. 1st day exam adalah exam theory. ntuk ortho, pagi ada mcq n oba, pastu ade pmp then petang ade viva voce.
MCQ - multiple choice question.
OBA - one best answer.
mcq n oba mmg dr dulu antara yang susah skali nak skor. sbb mmg 100% theory n soklan nya tahap tinggi. da la senang lose markah. mana tak nya. bayangkan, anda jawab 1 soalan, anda betul dapat 1 markah, anda jawab salah tolak satu markah, anda tak jawab anda tak dapat markah. jadi bayangkan la, aku takleh langsung buat salah, atau takleh tembak jawapan. risky oh. 1 soalan ada 5 subquestion. klo aku jawab semua 5 subquestion, 3 tembak, 2 aku yakin betul. skali yang 3 tembak tu, 3 3 salah, jadi mark aku da 2 betul - 3 salah = -1! nasib baek minimum mark for each question just 0. jadi kalau dapat mark -ve pn dia tak efek soalan lain. ok aritu ade 25 soalan. ntuk lulus kne jwb at least 50% dr soalan n subsoalan betul, tp give and take, ade yg tersalah jawab, kne jawab at least 80% dr soklan2 tu, mean 20 soalan (=100 subsoalan). nampak macam mudah, tapi tak semudah itu. bayangkan, dari 20 soalan tu, 5 soalan aku dapat 0, pastu purata dapat mark 3 ntuk each soalan, maknanya aku just dpt 45 mark total, sedangkan ntuk lulus aku perlukan 50% x 25 soalan x 5 subsoalan = 62 mark. pergh, klo 45 mark je aku dapat, mean aku mmg fail la. 45 tu just 36% je. huhu. oba pun susah gak. jawapan semua macam betul, tapi 1 je yg terbaik. adoy2.
tp biasamya PMP dia imbang balik mcq n oba td tu. aku pun xtau PMP tu ape, tapi dia macam short notes ataupun subjective. dia problem based management soalan. mean, ade trigger, masalah atau situasi, n jawap cara nak manage situasi tu. yang ni senang sikit. leh goreng2 sampai hangit. hehe. jawab apa yang kita tau je.
tapi petang tu memang horror la. sebab ade viva voce. aku tertanya2 gak, kenapa perlu ade viva voce, sebab nanti pun mase clinical exam pun da cam viva. takpe la, laen department lain style assess student. viva voce memang debar r. aku da la lemah ortho ni. lagi2 ade 4 component, basic anatomy, basic ortho, case management n advance ortho. basic anat aku memang kantoi teruk la. huhu. ntah la, dari skola dlu lagi aku bab2 anatomy paling lemah sekali. aku memang tak suke hafal2 ni. tapi kira2 memang favourite aku. hehe.
suppose exam aku tak dapat dengan mentor aku, tapi ntah kenapa, aku dapat mentor aku as examiner viva voce. tp malangnya aku jawab hampeh. sori bapak, aku telah kecewakn bapak...
day 2 - 4th May 2011
clinical exam.
biasanya clinical exam ni lg senang dari theory. sebab jawapan semua ada dalam ward. clinical exam ni reflect ko salu tak gi ward. huhu. tapi ntah, ortho ni bagi aku, clinical lagi horror dari theory. huhu.
oh since ortho ni da tak jumpe da kat 5th year, tapi consider as one of major posting, n akan masuk pro exam nanti, jadi dia da start tanya detail management. that mean how to manage, if ade drug, the dosage, etc2.
clinical exam ade dua, short case ngan long case. long case ni, kita akan di-assign dengan satu pesakit, dan kita kena clerk patient tu. abes sejam, examiner akan datang, dan kene present case, dan discuss case dengan lecturer.
klo short case pulak, examiner akan bawak kita ke patient, dan suruh kita examine patient depan examiner. yang ni nak kata susah pun, boleh gak. sebab kita tak tau history patient. tapi nak kata senang pun, boleh gak, sebab keja kita just examine je patient tu.
aku kira dapat 2nd last group yang akan kena examine. salunye tak best klo dapat grup last2 ni, sebab salu ble da last2, examiner da letih. jadi bila time kita, dia pn nak cepat je.
mase nama aku dipanggil ntuk long case, aku tgk examiner aku MR. Kamil. oh! horror weh~. Mr. Kamil ni antara examiner killer. debar je time aku clerk patient. dubdab dubdab dubdab je aku. tapi nasib baik la patient sangat baik. very cooperative. mula2 tu clerk la dengan patient. da agak sejam examiner tak sampai lagi. jd aku pun karang2 la ayat aku, nnt nk present n discuss case tau da nk cakap pe ngan examiner. tp memang debar giler ah. ye la, da tau dapat examiner killer. mmg la cuak. pastu dalam 2 jam tunggu examiner, ade staff exam tu soh buat short case dlu. takpe la, dari tunggu lame2. aku pn da blur da xtau nak tny pe kt patient. huhu.
orang kate kalau dpt examiner Mr. Kamil, partner dia Mr. Zam. oh yg ni killer gak!. sebab before exam dia ada cakap "kalau da masa exam nanti, kalau korang dapat saya, kemudian saya mengajar masa exam, tak payah la awak nak tunggu result. da confirm fail punya". memang horror gila la ayat dia. orang kata, dia tu, kalau kita present smooth je, jawab soalan smooth je, dia senang bagi markah tinggi. tapi kalau dia da start mengajar masa exam, maknaya fail la exam ko. mark ntuk lulus 50, dia bagi 47 je. clear cut punya fail. tapi last2 aku di-assign-kan dgn Mr. Jacob. memang bersyukur giler sebab Mr. Jacob tu baik gila. dapat dua case. tapi malangnya... aku stumble. huhu. jawapan semua berterabur.
pastu abes short case tu, tunggu examiner ntuk long case. tunggu2, mmg debar la sebab cakap Mr. Kamil, tapi last2 yang datang Mr. Shuk. wah~ memang hari bertuah. Mr. Shuk ni pun examiner yang baik. very fatherly. tapi lagi sekali... aku stumble... huhu. present cam crap, discuss pn ketar2. memang stumble abes la.
clinical exam ni, gagal lulus ada 3 faktor. examiner, patient n student. ada kala patien cooperate, student brilliant, tp examiner malignant, atau pn jawapan yg kita bg bukan jawapan yg examiner nak, kita fail. ada masa examiner baik, student ok, tapi patient plak tak cooperate. history terabur, pastu da clerk stengah jam, patient refuse to cooperate. hampeh btol. klo tak nak cooperate tu baek dari awal tak cooperate. senang leh tukar patient lain. but worst, kalau fail tu adalah sebab student tu sendri. examiner baik, patient very cooperative, tapi kantoi student plak~
contoh terbaik, aku la. examiner baik, dpt Mr Shuk, Mr Jacob. dapat patient very cooperative. borak baek punya. tapi... aku yang stumble... adoy....
i feel like i've lost the fight. sepandai2 tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh juga ketanah. setakat aku clinical year, selalu bernasib baik, lulus. tapi mungkinkah aku akan tumpas di posting ortho?
i might have lose the fight, but not the war yet. ade setahun lagi perjuangan aku sebelum aku grad. banyak lagi yang perlu aku usaha. yes azmi! time to retreat, reflect, re-plan, and fight back!
p/s: one of my clasmet ada post pasal persediaan exam ktorang. hehe. nice. bace la. cemerlang ortho
suke ati aku la nak update ke x.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
a new chapter of love?
i was alone in my room, listening to some music. tengah2 mendengar, tiba2 lagu ni dimainkan.
"Way Back into Love"
Well I love this song so much. this song is from the movie "Music and Lyric", which was 3-4 years ago. I love the movie, the movie is one of the best romantic movie i ever watch. "Music and Lyric" change my view on romantic movie.
This song give us picture of someone whose deeply broken hearted and having a tough times to move on and to forget all the dark things happened from the past relationship he/she had. The person who can't really find ways to be in love again because of being bounded of the sweet memories from the past that he/she really want it to be real in this time. The person who is hoping to be love again but afraid to move on because of the thinking that dark past might happen again. Way back into love is something that he/she really want but something very difficult task to do.
sad eh?
p/s : this song also sang by SNSD and SuJu
p/p/s: due to copyright, the original song can't be embed. but i really suggest you to listen to the original version
"Music and Lyric" trailer. *must watch!*
"Way Back into Love"
Well I love this song so much. this song is from the movie "Music and Lyric", which was 3-4 years ago. I love the movie, the movie is one of the best romantic movie i ever watch. "Music and Lyric" change my view on romantic movie.
This song give us picture of someone whose deeply broken hearted and having a tough times to move on and to forget all the dark things happened from the past relationship he/she had. The person who can't really find ways to be in love again because of being bounded of the sweet memories from the past that he/she really want it to be real in this time. The person who is hoping to be love again but afraid to move on because of the thinking that dark past might happen again. Way back into love is something that he/she really want but something very difficult task to do.
sad eh?
p/s : this song also sang by SNSD and SuJu
p/p/s: due to copyright, the original song can't be embed. but i really suggest you to listen to the original version
"Music and Lyric" trailer. *must watch!*
Friday, 22 April 2011
Berry berry on the wall. Who is going to the fairest of all? Check out what berry are you now! #digiwhatberry
Berry berry on the wall. Who is going to the fairest of all? Check out what berry are you now! #digiwhatberry
this is just a short blog post.
sy lame da nak tukar maxis ke digi. orang cakap digi murah. dulu penah skali, anta msg digi ke digi free je. lagipun digi, in term of connection paling stable skali.
tapi sekarang digi menjadi semakin bijak, dan offer beberapa plan untuk pengguna, especially untuk pengguna blackberry.
jadi berry mana anda?
this is just a short blog post.
sy lame da nak tukar maxis ke digi. orang cakap digi murah. dulu penah skali, anta msg digi ke digi free je. lagipun digi, in term of connection paling stable skali.
tapi sekarang digi menjadi semakin bijak, dan offer beberapa plan untuk pengguna, especially untuk pengguna blackberry.
jadi berry mana anda?
Saturday, 16 April 2011
when was your first time? Pt. 1
well i guest it been long time since i update this blog.
menulis blog ni kadang2 xtentu. ada ketika kita banyak idea, tapi xda masa. ada ketika kita banyak masa, tp kita xda idea nak tulis. well lately, i've been thinking of writing a blog post about my first time or my first experience.
when was your first time of... walking? running? fall in love? driving? riding a motorcycle? bought a bike/car?
well bila bercakap pasal pengalaman pertama, macam2 pengalaman yang kita ada. apa2 pun yang kita buat, kalau itu pertama kali kita buat, itu la pengalaman pertama kita. mostly we will be nervous, aren't we? some experience are nice to remember, some are very memorable, but some, well... not so memorable. and even some of our 1st memory is pretty embarrassing eh? ye la, x pernah buat kn. jd kita pn kekok.
kangkadang tulis blog ni, macam tulis karangan. tp instead of karangan ntuk anta ke cikgu, ni karangan ntuk diri sendiri. ye la, tajuk da ada, idea da ada, tinggal nak olah. some essay are worth to read, some essay are just, let say, a piece of crap.
sorry readers, blog post kali memang tergantung. tak sempat nak karang panjang2. nanti la aku cite pasal pengalaman pertama aku. :P ade part 2 ke tak, aku pun tak pasti....hehehe...
p/s: aku baru dapat suturing set. jadi aku prektis menjahit kat sponge ni dlu.
menulis blog ni kadang2 xtentu. ada ketika kita banyak idea, tapi xda masa. ada ketika kita banyak masa, tp kita xda idea nak tulis. well lately, i've been thinking of writing a blog post about my first time or my first experience.
when was your first time of... walking? running? fall in love? driving? riding a motorcycle? bought a bike/car?
well bila bercakap pasal pengalaman pertama, macam2 pengalaman yang kita ada. apa2 pun yang kita buat, kalau itu pertama kali kita buat, itu la pengalaman pertama kita. mostly we will be nervous, aren't we? some experience are nice to remember, some are very memorable, but some, well... not so memorable. and even some of our 1st memory is pretty embarrassing eh? ye la, x pernah buat kn. jd kita pn kekok.
kangkadang tulis blog ni, macam tulis karangan. tp instead of karangan ntuk anta ke cikgu, ni karangan ntuk diri sendiri. ye la, tajuk da ada, idea da ada, tinggal nak olah. some essay are worth to read, some essay are just, let say, a piece of crap.
sorry readers, blog post kali memang tergantung. tak sempat nak karang panjang2. nanti la aku cite pasal pengalaman pertama aku. :P ade part 2 ke tak, aku pun tak pasti....hehehe...
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kesian mr. sponge mulut kene jahit. tak dapat nak gigit rama2 tu |
p/s: aku baru dapat suturing set. jadi aku prektis menjahit kat sponge ni dlu.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
kamu, sila berhenti meroyan.
kamu merisaukan abang2 kamu, kakak2 kamu, dan ibubapa kamu.
kamu, jagalah tutur kata kamu.
jangan biasakan berkata kasar,
sehingga adab kamu menjadi biadab.
kamu, perempuan itu dijadikan lemah lembut.
jadi janganlah berlagak kasar,
kerana bukan sahaja perempuan, lelaki yang kasar juga bukan semua suka.
kamu, belajarlah bertanggungjawab dengan tindakan kamu,
kerana tidakan kamu hari ini akan memberi kesan esok hari.
dan tanggungjawab itu sebahagian dari proses kematangan.
kamu merisaukan abang2 kamu, kakak2 kamu, dan ibubapa kamu.
kamu, jagalah tutur kata kamu.
jangan biasakan berkata kasar,
sehingga adab kamu menjadi biadab.
kamu, perempuan itu dijadikan lemah lembut.
jadi janganlah berlagak kasar,
kerana bukan sahaja perempuan, lelaki yang kasar juga bukan semua suka.
kamu, belajarlah bertanggungjawab dengan tindakan kamu,
kerana tidakan kamu hari ini akan memberi kesan esok hari.
dan tanggungjawab itu sebahagian dari proses kematangan.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
taken from http://weeklyworldnews.com/headlines/27321/facebook-will-end-on-march-15th/
Do you think so? i dont think so. i think this is hoax news. but who knows?
it's said that fb have at least 500 million users, and heavily invested by Goldman Sachs, one of the world biggest investment company, i will say that fb won't be shutting down anytime soon
PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”
Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.
“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”
However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.
“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”
Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.
But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.
Do you think so? i dont think so. i think this is hoax news. but who knows?
it's said that fb have at least 500 million users, and heavily invested by Goldman Sachs, one of the world biggest investment company, i will say that fb won't be shutting down anytime soon
mark zuckerberg
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